Current research activities


Current interest topics

  • Distant learning laboratories : how to use virtualization, containers or cloud tools to devise laboratories for teaching in MOOCs, for instance. In this context I've worked on :
    • different virtual labs in the context of the FLIRT project (see below)
    • a Vagrant-based virtual lab environment for a Relational Database MOOC (more details, in french);

Other / past interest

  • Quality assurance process at large scale in the FLOSS communities : how to provide developers and maintainers, packagers and other actors with interoperability solutions in order to improve quality, response time, monitoring facilities, etc.

Other more general or past topics, keywords, and research interests :

  • Interoperability and standardization
  • Semantic Web and Linked data
  • Libre Software production, distribution and maintenance (distributed development, software forges, bugtrackers, packaging, etc.)
  • Virtualization and Cloud

Contracts / projects to which I'm participating

  • FLIRT project (TBD)

Institut Mines-Telecom projects / teams

I was part of the PFTCR team (Plate-formes de Travail Collaboratif pour la Recherche et l'Enseignement Supérieur) at the INF department of Telecom SudParis, but it is being merged into a newly created team called PROSE (more details to come)

Other collaboration projects

  • FLIPS (Formation(s) en Ligne à l'Informatique [à|de] Paris-Saclay), funded in the frame of the call Former avec le numérique dans l'université Paris Saclay of Idex Paris-Saclay, since 2014:
    • development of a MOOC on Relational Database
    • development of a framework for self-assesment / learning on introduction to Computer Science (algorithmics in Python)

Past activities

Debian maintainer

I've been a Debian Developer (now retired), and maintained a few packages, along with bits of QA work.

FusionForge contributor (




Program Committee member of Free / Libre / Open Source Software Research Track of OpenSym 2014 (Berlin)


PhD jury member for Andrei Sambra.

2008 - 2012

Co-organiser of the software development track of "Rencontres Mondiales du Logiciel Libre"


Contributor to the ADMS.F/OSS (Asset Description Metadata Schema for Free and Open-Source Software) specifications for the ISA program of the EC

2009 - 2011

COCLICO project (FUI) on forges interoperability

2009 - 2011

Contributor to the OSLC-CM (Open Services for Life-cycle Collaboration - Change Management) open specifications

2008 - 2010

HELIOS project (FUI)


Contrib 2.0 GET project (projet incitatif).


Coordinator of the international research track at FISL 7, Porto Alegre (Brasil)

2004 -> 2006

EU FP6 CALIBRE project (Coordination Action for LIBRE software).


Created: 2019-02-25 lun. 13:45
