Report on “Debbugs – New developments in the ongoing struggle against bugs” by Don Armstrong at Debconf

Here are some notes I took about the lecture “Debbugs – New developments in the ongoing struggle against bugs” by Don Armstrong at Debconf 10 (that I watched from the stream).

Note that the slides are at :, and here, I’ll only mention most noteworthy elements I’ve noticed.

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My report after the BOF on distributed bugtrackers at DebConf

Here are my notes about the very insteresting BOF on distributed bugtrackers held at DebConf

This is just some elements of report (some taken from the gobby edits, and written down by me after watching the video (unfortunately missing 2 mins of sound in the beginning of the video stream/recording)). This is not a full report of all the discussions, as some discussed elements weren’t of interest IMHO.

You’ll find here many ideas of mine, links and pointers (resulting of our work in the context of the Helios project on similar topics), so this is in no way a report of what was said exactly during the BOF.

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Great talk “Distributed bug tracking for Debian with SD” at DebConf

This is a quick report and notes about the great presentation made at DebConf on “Distributed bug tracking for Debian with SD” by Christine Spang (

Hopefully, the slides are gonna be published soon, but in the meantime, you have them in the video recording (see link above) – EDIT: she has published here slides : see her blog post.

For those who don’t know SD, they may refer to a talk given by its author, Jesse Vincent, at the recent RMLL/LSM 2010 : Peer to peer issue tracking with SD and Prophet (video recording coming soon : EDIT: a premiere recording is available here).

She draws 2 main use cases in her speech, which is exactly the kind of features we’ve been thinking about for :

Continue reading “Great talk “Distributed bug tracking for Debian with SD” at DebConf”

I’m going to Debconf 9… but before, I’ll go to RMLL/LSM

Yeah, I’m also going to the Debconf9 :

Actually, it will be my very first real Debconf as a contributor to Debian, even if I was around at the Debconf 0 and 1 in Bordeaux, which were held during the early editions of the RMLL/LSM.

And I’ll start the July conferences with the LSM/RMLL where I’ll chair a track on development (where Debian will be discussed, btw).

See you in Nantes and in Caceres, to discuss Helios, bts-link, UDD, bugtracking on the Semantic Web, forges, and other interesting matters.